Smoke is a potent memory trigger from time immemorial. Playing a role in everything from mezcal to Scotch to smoky old-fashioneds, not all smokes are created equal, and in this class we will learn why. As a former combustion engineer, Kevin Peterson (co-owner at Castalia) has an intimate familiarity with smoke, and in this class we will play with the variables that affect smoke's flavor. We'll use temperature and moisture levels to control the sweetness of the smoke, learn how to appropriately dose smoke for cocktails, and look at several ways to introduce the flavor into drinks.
In this class we will make both a smoked sazerac (stirred) and a penicillin (shaken), while explaining the tools, form, and science behind each step. The price of the class includes all the ingredients needed to make the cocktails, and a number of other smoky tastes.
This class is targeted toward the enthusiastic home cocktail maker or cocktail consumer, but with the assumption that you haven't tended bar professionally before. We will cover basic descriptions of ingredients and tools, but spend most of our time on practical tips and tricks for making the best drinks possible at home.
This is an in-person class limited to 10 attendees, $85/person.